Glass types and specification



We use Cardinal LowE Glass for all windows, our glass is energy effective, keep the warmth and coolness of your home.

This also helps you SAVE ON your hearing bills.

Glass for all windows are insulated glass. Insulated glass is a combination of two or more panes of glass with a hermetically sealed air space between them. They provide performance and energy savings.

Energy efficiency chart with plastic windows profiles 3D rendering isolated on white background

Low-E 272: 

Low-E 272 Glass delivers year-round comfort, reflecting an intermediate level of heat back into the room in winter and rejecting the sun’s heat furthermore UV rays in the summer. This product’s patented coating provides clarity and high-performance low-solar control, reducing window heat gain by 50% compared to ordinary glass. Cardinal LoĒ²-272   is   ideal   for   all-weather conditions in most climates. In winter,  it  reflects  heat  back  into  rooms.In  summer,  its  patented  coating  block’s 89%   of   the   sun’s   harmful   ultraviolet rays and 59% of the sun’s heat. It even outperforms the tinted glass often used in warm climates.You  can  see  out  and  the  light  shine sin,   with   no   heavy   bronze   or   smoke colored  tints  to  darken  the  personality of    your    home.    LoĒ²-272    can    be purchased       in       hurricane-resistant laminated  glass  in  a  variety  of  shape sand sizes.

Reflective Glass

pin head glass

clear laminated.

white laminated